Gravesano, September 2018

Customized culture media for translational medicine research.

We have introduced 10 brand new customized basal culture media for translational medicine R&D applications, including chemically defined media for extracellular vesicles (exosomes) research. The presence of metabolic precursors in the culture medium must be carefully evaluated in order to avoid unwanted interference with extracellular vesicles formation – a problem which hasn’t been recognized as such for a long time.

  • Take a look at our portfolio of custom-made media by clicking here.

    Ferruccio Messi covers latest developments on serum- and hPL-free minimal culture media for translational medicine applications at the 19th Heiligenstaedter Kolloquium, Heiligenstadt, Germany, September 24-26, 2018.

    FFerruccio Messi will present some basic concepts for the development of well-defined cell culture environments for regenerative medicine applications at the 19th Heiligenstaedter Kolloquium, Heiligenstadt, Germany, September 24-26. The contribution will focus on the identity and quality of raw material used to develop culture media for translational research.

  • The program of the event can be downloaded at